Care Instructions

Caring For You Wilson & Co Garden Hand Tools

Wilson & Co hand tools are made from ‘Ashwood’ and 420 grade Stainless Steel. The handles are hand fashioned and the blades are hand assembled. To ensure that you receive a long life from your hand tools we encourage you to follow these 3 simple care steps after use:

Rinse with water and dry the tool thoroughly. Insert tool into a machine oil/sand mixture. The oil and sand mixture will scour off any debris, and the oil will coat the metal, retarding any chance of corrosion. Store in a dry place. Stainless steel won’t corrode if cared for in the correct way i.e. cleaned, dried and stored when not in use.

Ash wood is commonly used in handles of tools because of its hardwood qualities and toughness which surpasses most other woods. Before synthetic materials became available, Ash wood was used for railways, coaches, axe handles, ladders, walking sticks.

Grade 420 stainless steel is commonly used for cutlery, blades, knives and shear blades. The corrosion resistance is sufficient to resist attack by most matters & normal washing methods. Excellent polishability.

These tools will stand the test of time, if they are cared for and used in the correct way. We hope you enjoy the experience of using our ‘Wilson & Co’ Hand tools.


Taking Care Of Your Secateurs or Pruners

Wilson & Co bypass secateurs (or pruners) are forged from a high quality steel which has been nickel alloy plated ensuring they will withstand the test of time.

After each pruning session wipe the secateurs down with warm, soapy water to keep them clean. Then rub the blades with vegetable oil to prevent rust from forming. This is particularly important when pruning plants with a high sap content because the sap is quite corrosive.

If and when the blade becomes blunt it’sbest to sharpen it using an oil stone.

When pruning diseased material,or if you are moving to different parts of the garden, sterilise them bydipping them in bleach to stop the spread of any disease.

Care for your secateurs and they will become your best friendin the garden.


Taking Care Of Your Candle for the Copper Box Lantern

In order to get the best burn time out of your candle you will need to channel it before you first light it.

To cannel a candle you will need a small sharp knife, a pocketknife is ideal. Cut a small crater around the wick. This enables a place for the melted wax to rest without smothering the wick which inturn enables the wick to burn bright.

Equally important, when you snuff your candle out it is best to tip the excess wax that is gathered in the channel out. This will enable the candle to burn to it’s full potential when lit again.